Winner: “Tree of life” by Isabella Tabacchi
The 2024 Siena Drone Awards celebrated groundbreaking aerial photography, showcasing mesmerizing abstract imagery that redefined the art form. This year’s winners displayed extraordinary creativity and technical mastery, transforming everyday scenes into breathtaking visual masterpieces that offered fresh perspectives on the world.
More: Siena Drone Awards, Instagram
Runner up:”Lights and Shadows” by Ignacio Medem
Highly commended: “Magical Lines” by Mohammad Khorshed
Highly commended: “Elddreki / Fire Dragon” by Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove
Highly commended: “Marching in the Salt Marsh” by Raj Mohan
Commended: “Blue Fan – Water Park” by Andreas Secci
Commended: “Go with the Flow” by Ael Kermarec
Commended: “Fairytale” by Siman Laszlo
Commended: “Moharlou Alluviums” by Amin Malekzadeh
Commended: “Tree of Life” by Judith Kuhn
Commended: “Layers of Color” by Alexandre Brisson
Commended: “Mixture of colors” by Sergio Tapia