Today, somewhere:
There’s a person planting radishes.
There’s a rescue dog on his way home.
There’s a couple who said I love you for the very first time.
There’s a person in the hospital who is expected to make a full recovery.
There’s a teacher who finally reached a student and changed their entire world.
There’s a person who looked in the mirror and felt beautiful for the first time in a long time.
There’s a high school senior re-reading the acceptance letter over and over.
There’s a trans kid sitting down to dinner with a family who loves them fiercely.
There’s a firefighter who saved a life. Again.
There’s a toddler tasting ice cream for the first time.
There’s a person who found a twenty on the sidewalk.
There’s a woman sobbing joyfully over a fuzzy sonogram photo.
There’s a child discovering what will become his favorite piece of art for the rest of his life.
There’s a teen letting her dad hold her hand.
There’s a server who got a tip that made their week.
There’s a writer staring at a blank page that will become something wildly important.
There’s a person who laughed so hard, they will never forget it.
There’s a woman who got bangs, and it works.
There’s a group of federal workers refusing to obey in advance.
There’s a whistleblower who reached out to a journalist.
There’s a group of lawmakers setting plans into motion that will make life better for millions of people.
There’s a judge who did the right thing.
There’s a person celebrating their 100th birthday with people they love.
There’s someone who got the hug they didn’t realize they really, really needed, exactly when they needed it.
There’s music.
Liz Gumbinner is a Brooklyn-based writer, award-winning ad agency creative director, and OG mom blogger who was called “funny some of the time” by an enthusiastic anonymous commenter. This was originally posted on her Substack “I’m Walking Here!,” where she covers culture, media, politics, and parenting.
Header image by Sandie Clarke on Unsplash.
The post Good Things Are Happening All Around You appeared first on PRINT Magazine.